Monday, June 27, 2011

Love Love and more Love

For the last six years I have devoted myself to junior high ministry. While to some that might seem like a huge feat, but I know that this is nothing to throw a party over, its just a small step in a long journey. But through this journey called middle school ministry, I thought I would write down some of my thoughts, and things that I have learned through it all. So here is what I learned first and foremost: you need to love junior high students in order to be able to minister to them. While this might see silly to state, but it is hugely important to love them, if you want to successfully minister to them. I seriously love hanging with middle schoolers. To most they are awkward, weird, annoying, smelly, hyper and while all these things are true (mostly), they are also, the nicest, genuine, say-whats-on-their-mind, don't-hold-anything-back, will love you no matter what kids. This past week we took about 30 of our middle schoolers on a trip to Kings Island, an amusement park about 5 hours from where we live, it was quite a long drive, but we made the best of it. The students would randomly want to play a game (even a simple abc billboard game will keep them entertained) but here is how you know your meant to be in junior high ministry, they started randomly singing the ABC's. While to most adults, this is strange and annoying, I found this hilarious. Why you ask? Because they were so comfortable with who they were and for that minute they were able to let loose and be silly. That child-like innocence shed through their wanna-be mature walls. That my friends, is why I love this age group. I truly with all my heart believe, if that age group of students can really grasp the fullness of God, and realize the power they have, they can change the world!!!! I believe that God can use a 11, 12, 13, 14 year old to bring others to know Him. I believe God can use them to reach out to the hurting and the broken. With guidance, love, acceptance, and encouragement from an adult who is on fire for Jesus, middle schoolers can change the world. I believe it with all my heart. That my friends is why I love middle schoolers. That my friends is why you should love them too.

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